is accessible, but Blogspot Web sites aren't since this morning. Why is it so?
Is there an outage? Although I received emails saying the ISPs have blocked Why is it so? Any particular reason? Any way there are always workarounds for blockages. Even Web sites on Geocities and Typepad are blocked.
Here's a workaround to access Blogspot Web sites in Firefox browser.
If isn't accessible in India, which it isn't since this morning, then download httProxy extension for Firefox browser to access through a Web-based anonymous proxy service like Thanks for sharing this information, Harshal.
Install the above extension for Firefox, restart the Browser, enter the Blogspot Web site address and click the httProxy button, the one next to the Go button on the Firefox Navigation toolbar. See below for an example of using httProxy to access Blogspot Web sites in Firefox browser.
Is India becoming China? Why have the Indian ISPs blocked Blogspot Web sites? Any reasons? If they have blocked then it's unfair and wrong. And as given above there are always workarounds to bypass blocks. Blocking Web sites is no way for whatever goals they want to achieve. I fail to understand their motive behind blocking Blogspot, Typepad, and Geocities.
Update: Tuesday, July 18, 2006
4:59pm IST
Seems like the DoT Department of Telecommunications has blocked Web sites, for whatever reasons best known to them.
There is talk in the blogosphere of Blogspot, Typepad, and Geocities being blocked in India. Web sites on these domains are not are accessible except through Anonymous Proxies like Anonymizer and httProxy extension for Firefox.
If the govt. has done this then it's an unfair and regressive move that shows badly on India's efforts to oragnize itself in cyberspace. Are we going the China way? The goverment seems to be doing all the wrong things, from closing dance bars in Bombay to blocking Web sites, and doesn't seem to know what to do right.
Are they going to stop terrorism by blocking Web sites?
Update: 9:45pm IST This logo registers a protest against the block on Bloggers and on Blogspot.
Use to access your blog on Blogspot. Works with Internet Explorer and Firefox.
Use the URL as
For example,
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