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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Image Editing: Photo to Pencil Sketch

Convert a photograph to a pencil sketch with Adobe Photoshop.

1. Open the photograph in Adobe Photoshop
Start -> Programs -> Adobe -> Adobe Photoshop
File -> Open

Note about the image: Aishwarya Rai plays a Roman warrior in her first Hollywood film—The Last Legion. Photo from Rediff.com.

Aishwarya Rai plays a Roman warrior in The Last Legion - Her first Hollywood film

2. Apply the High Pass Filter on the photograph with the radius between 1.5 to 2

a. Filter -> Other -> High Pass with Radius set to 1.8 pixels.

High Pass Filter with radius 1.8 pixels

Image with High Pass Filter.

Aishwarya Rai Photoshopped - Filter - Other - Hig Pass

3. Duplicate the layer from Layer -> Duplicate Layer

4. Add a new layer from Layer -> New Layer

5. Set the blending mode of the new layer to Color Dodge

6. Merge the three layers from Image -> Apply Image

a. Choose Merged from the Layer dropdown box.

b. Select Overlay from the Blending dropdown box.

c. Enter Opacity as 100%

d. Click the OK button

Photoshopped Pencil Sketch of Aishwarya Rai. Doesn't she look beautiful in this too?

Pencil Sketch of Aishwarya Rai photoshopped with High Pass filter

7. Save the pencil sketch as a .jpeg file from File -> Save a Copy

a. From the Image Options window choose 10 for a high quality image (larger size)
or choose quality as 3 or 4 for a smaller file size.

Read Photoshop tutorials from Pixel2Life and BioRust.com.